Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Day 2

Today was the day...Tessa was placed in my arms forever!!!!!

Her foster family was so sweet. It was a bittersweet reunion. The only thing that made me feel better is that they were very excited about the gifts I brought. I know they loved Tessa with all of their hearts. I can't even imagine their pain. They know that we will keep in touch always.

After a LONG nap and lunch by the pool...we ventured to the zoo and the Artisan Market by the airport. It was such a beautiful day. The zoo is very lush and green....much different than our zoo here!!! We had a nice time there and then headed over to do some shopping. What a nice market!!! They weren't high pressured sales people there either... so it was a nice change!!!

After dinner we just hung out at the hotel and got ready for the next day...our Embassy appt.


Nikki said...

That is so exciting! She is beautiful.


Nikki said...

That is so exciting! She is beautiful.
