Wednesday, February 6, 2008

I've been TAGGED!!!

OK...I've been tagged by my friend Katie at

Being tagged means I am suppossed to tell 7 crazy/weird facts about myself and then tag 7 other blog friends to do the same.
I will tell the 7 crazy/weird things, but don't have 7 other blogger friends to tag because most have already been sorry I'm not playing by the rules!!!!

Here are my 7...

1. I have a bionic nose. I can smell everything way better than others and it drives me CRAZY.

2. I am addicted to bargains. I LOVE to garage sale and make money on Ebay. I was going to say I sell used underwear, but that would sound WAY too crazy...even though I do! :) It's amazing what people will pay $$$ for on Ebay!!! :)

3. I sleep with my socks pulled up over my pj's in the winter. I know CRAZY!!!

4. I eat to live, not live to eat. I don't really enjoy most food.

5. I had to have heart surgery 6 weeks after Hannah came home for a problem I never knew I had.

6. I have three kids 4 and under...which most people think is CRAZY...I just like to call myself blessed!

7. My mom died 2 1/2 years ago and I still MISS her like CRAZY each and every day!!!!!

1 comment:

Candy said...

GIRL I LIVE TO EAT....I guess you figured that out the way I EAT..hehe thats why I have gained 20lbs this last year...AHHHH...I hope you are feeling better and I hope we all get to get together SOON....HUGS